"Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a
portrait of himself." ~Samuel Butler

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Group Activity

Each group will be assigned a poetic form (ie. sonnet, ode, limerick, haiku etc).  As a group, you will research this poetic form and find examples of that form in poems by other writers.  Then, as a group, you will create a 15 minute lesson plan to teach this form to your peers.


-Provide a handout which includes the following: the rules/form of the poem, an example of the poem type,  and a little history explaining the origin of the poem.  Handout should be visually pleasing and easy to read.  It should be proofed for spelling and grammar errors so that it appears professional.
-Get the students involved with your lesson by asking and responding to questions
-Get students to attempt the poetic form either in their journals as individuals or with one other peer.

-Everyone in the group must also submit an original poem in the form you selected.  If you have selected a poem form that is 5 or fewer lines you must write three poems in that form (ie. haiku or limerick).  You must share one of your poems with the class during your presentation.

Extras:  You may also include a power point presentation or other forms of multi-media if you wish.

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