"Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a
portrait of himself." ~Samuel Butler

Sunday, June 5, 2011


What does it mean to be self-reflective?

Here is one explanation:

"Take a moment to think about what this sentence on self reflection means for you.

It is talking about how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings - how we fail to see that life reflects us back to ourselves.
Because we keep on looking out the windows, many of us take forever to realize that we are looking at ourselves mirrored back to us by others and by the events of our life.
This saying about self reflection helps us to become empowered.
If we see that our negative feelings towards others are reflecting back to ourselves our own sense of negativity then we can do something to help ourselves forward. By continuously looking out the window and putting the 'blame' on others we fail to utilize all the power in the moment.

Changing our perception of the problem by seeing the reality as it is reflected by us and to us, brings empowerment, change, discovery and consciousness.
As we learn to look for that reflection in the mirror rather than to project our senses outwards we gain a sense of responsibility for our own lives. Our authentic self begins to shine through." 

I believe self-reflection is essential for coming to know oneself.  Writers are typically very self-reflective people--people seeking to know themselves and usually through that self-knowledge make a difference in other's lives.  

Today I'm going to ask you to self-reflect.  Who are you?  Imagine you are describing yourself to someone who has no knowledge of you whatsoever.  How do you describe yourself to that person in just a couple of pages?  What defines you as YOU?  The more seriously you take this assignment the more rewarding.  You will have the opportunity to add to this reflection throughout the semester as you reflect more.  By the end of the semester, this will be the most significant piece you produce.  A piece I want you to have to reflect upon as you grow older.   

Who we are looking for is who is looking ~St. Francis of Assisi

1 comment:

  1. Megan
    your expression of thoughts is both realistic and spiritual. You are going on the right path, would love to know that are you practicing any form of meditation, Such clarity of thoughts comes from depths of witnessing the being...
    all my good wishes to you
